fund raising consulting



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Fund Raising Consulting

There could be many reasons for raising finance. Likewise there are many ways and options for raising finance. Finding and implementing the best solution is a complex task, which require experience and relationships within the investors and banking community.We believe that our experience provide a very valuable resource for our clients to achieve the best combination of new financial resources within a short timescale.

Pre-Funding Support:

We assist our clients at every stage of a finance raising process:

  • Feasibility assessment & preparation of detailed Business case/plan, CMA, Project report
  • Review of financing alternatives (Debt/Equity/Mezz) and selecting the best mix of sources
  • Mapping Long term and short term funding needs and identify suitable products
  • Raising financing from lenders / investors
  • Negotiations with potential investors and lenders
  • Final contractual arrangements
Post Funding Support:

We also provide on-going support in maintaining close engagement with banks/investors/rating agencies and share periodical MIS to ensure continued support

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